Over the five years from 2013 to 2017, 33 test pits were excavated in a scatter across the current area of the village of Stapleford in South Cambridgeshire. For the first year the project was included in the Higher Education Field Academy (HEFA) programme run by Access Cambridge Archaeology (ACA) out of the Department of Archaeology and Anthropology at the University of Cambridge. For reasons of funding constraints, it was then continued as a community dig for the following four years, organised by Stapleford History Society but using the ACA methodology for digging, recording and reporting so as to maintain consistency and comparability.
John Street, who has led this project on behalf of Stapleford History Society, made a presentation and led discussion on the findings at a special meeting of Stapleford History Society on Sunday October 6th at Stapleford Pavilion (click to view the report of that meeting).
A full report (128 pages), produced by Access Cambridge Archaeology can be read here.
A shorter, 4-page summary of the project report, produced by Kathleen Foreman on behalf of the local test pitting group, can be read here.