Silver Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth 11 EV-SJ-001-5

Folder Title

Silver Jubilee of Elizabeth II

Dates covered by subject material


Size of Folder

5 documents

Content contains Originals / Photocopies / Transcripts / Notes

Printed programme and photocopies of pages from parish magazine

Where originals are if not included

Original printed programme included

Subject Material

Reports on preparations for the Jubilee weekend, and the programme of events 4 – 11 June 1977

References to Names

Joan Barnes (organising committee chairman)

Mrs J Crofts

Mr T Miller

Mrs J Salter


Opening gardens:

Mr and Mrs J Burrows

Mr and Mrs A Crook

Mr and Mrs R Hewitson

Mr and Mrs P Layng

Mr H Martin

Mrs V Napthan

Miss G Riche

Mr and Mrs D Webster

Mr and Mrs D Wedd

Mr and Mrs J Welford

Mr and Mrs A Wheeler

Mr and Mrs D White







References to Places


Various locations in Stapleford