Memories of time in Stapleford from the White family


The following was received from Bill French  – October 2017
Today I was doing a job for Sarah Barnett, 34 Bar Lane, when 3 people appeared at the gate. 
They introduced themselves as Pam and Peter White, brother and sister, together with Peter’s wife whose name I did not get.
Pam had been evacuated to 34 Bar Lane in about 1943/4, she would have been about 6 years old. Peter would have been about 10 and he was evacuated to Cox’s House, now rebuilt and then owned by the Cox family.
They both attended the village school.
 Before coming to No. 34 they had visited the school and had been given a tour of the old buildings which they both remembered.
They remembered various things about the village but one every curious memory of Pam’s was that when she left No. 34 the father of the family, Mr Norman, dug a hole in the garden and buried her toys! She pointed to the area of the garden recently disturbed by your excavation team!
I then introduced them to Joan Barnes and Peter mentioned that he attended the village church and pumped the organ for Mrs Rutherford, Joan remembered Mrs Rutherford and thought she taught Ken Dean to play that organ.
Unfortunately I could not find Sarah so they then went off to look at the church. When I saw Sarah next I asked her if the excavators had found anything and she mentioned a marble and possibly some other toys. Perhaps you could let us know what was found.
I asked them if they would be prepared to be contacted for any more of their memories and they would be very happy to do that. I thought that it might merit a note in the Messenger. They live in Eastbourne which was where they were evacuated from.
Pam is about 82 I think.
The address is:
Mr and Mrs P White
25 Anderida Road
BN22 0PU
01323 509093
Kind regards